CORALLIUM SWISS • Rebbergstrasse 119 • CH-8240 Thayngen
T: +41 (0)79 309 08 78 • E-Mail

Schutz setzt Wissen voraus

Damit wir unser Ziel erreichen und die Gesellschaft im Hinblick auf die Bedeutung der Weltmeere sensibilisieren können, müssen wir zuerst Grundwissen vermitteln und den Bogen zur Bevölkerung spannen. Erst wenn wir die Zusammenhänge verstehen, werden wir auch unser Verhalten und unsere Lebensgewohnheiten hinterfragen und anpassen.


Grundlagen (Exkurs)

Der reaktionsfreudige Kohlenstoff, kurz "C", macht Leben erst möglich. Aber mit Sauerstoff bildet er das Treibhausgas CO2. Das von uns verursachte Treibhausgas (CO2) befindet sich in einem Kreislauf der nur dann funktioniert, wenn alle „Beteiligten“ mitmachen. Pflanzen an Land und Algen im Meer nehmen Kohlendioxid (CO2) auf und wandeln diesen durch die Photosynthese in Moleküle wie Zucker und Stärke um. Dabei entsteht auch der lebenswichtige Sauerstoff (02).....


Dieser Kreislauf geht durch den Stoffwechsel von Organismen und natürliche chemische Prozesse weiter, wodurch der Kohlenstoff immer wieder seinen Zustand ändert. Das Meer ist der grösste Kohlenstoff-Speicher und absorbiert mehr Treibhausgase als die Landbiosphäre und mehr als die Atmosphäre! Viele Korallen leben in Symbiose mit ihren Zooxanthellen (Algen) und ernähren sich von deren Photosynthese-Produkten (Zucker und Stärke).....



Im Gegenzug erhalten die Algen vom Korallenpolypen lebenswichtige Nährstoffe, welche diese in der nährstoffarmen Umgebung dringend benötigen. Diese fragmentären Ausführungen zeigen wie komplex die Abläufe und Zusammenhänge dieser Stoffwechsel sind.

Wir möchten zu den hier angedeuteten Abläufen vertiefte Einblicke ermöglichen und dadurch Wissen vermitteln.

Schulung / Sensibilisierung

Die bewusst oberflächlich gehaltenen Grundlagen zeigen auf wie die Abläufe rund um den Kohlenstoff verzahnt sind und weshalb die Meere mit ihrem gesamten Ökosystem essentiell für ein gesundes Klima sind. Durch unser Projekt können diese Themen demonstrativ vorgestellt und vertieft werden, wodurch die dringend notwendige Sensibilisierung erreicht wird.


Bildungsangebote (Seminare / Gruppenanlässe)

Mit unseren Bildungsangeboten wollen wir zwischen den zwei Welten (Landbiosphäre und Oceane) Brücken schlagen und einem breiten Zielpublikum Informations-Veranstaltungen anbieten. Wir bieten für Schulklassen, Kleingruppen oder bei Firmenanlässen sowie für Vereine adressatengerechte Seminare an, welche pädagogisch und inhaltlich dem neuesten Stand der Wissenschaft entsprechen.


- Der Kohlenstoffkreislauf
- Klimawandel und seine Folgen für die Meere
- Oceane, als „blaue“ Lunge der Erde
- Der Stickstoffkreislauf in der Tiefe
- Die Photosynthese bei Algen
- Symbiose zw. Korallen und deren
  Symbionten (Zooxanthellen)



werden Vorträge von eingeladenen Spezialisten angeboten. Kombiniert mit anderen Erlebnissen (Outdoor-Aktivitäten, Apero, Essen) können Gruppenanlässe zu einem unvergesslichen Event organisiert werden. Hier geht es zun den im Aufbau befindlichen Modulen...

Protection requires knowledge

In order to achieve our goal and raise awareness in society about the importance of the oceans, we must first impart basic knowledge and connect with the population. Only when we understand the connections, we will also question and adapt our behavior and our habits.

Basic information (excursus)

The reactive carbon, "C" for short, is what makes life possible in the first place. But with oxygen, it forms the greenhouse gas CO2. The greenhouse gas (CO2) caused by us is in a cycle that only works if all "participants" participate. Plants on land and algae in the sea absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) and convert it into molecules such as sugar and starch through photosynthesis. This process also produces the vital oxygen (02).....


This cycle continues through the metabolism of organisms and natural chemical processes, which causes the carbon to constantly change its state. The ocean is the largest carbon store and absorbs more greenhouse gases than the land biosphere and more than the atmosphere! Many corals live in symbiosis with their zooxanthellae (algae) and feed on their photosynthesis products (sugar and starch).....


In return, the algae receive vital nutrients from the coral polyps, which they urgently need in the nutrient-poor environment. These fragmentary explanations show how complex the processes and interrelationships of these metabolisms are.
We would like to provide a deeper insight into the processes mentioned here and thus impart knowledge.

Training and awareness raising

The deliberately superficial basics show how the processes around carbon are interlocked and why the oceans with their entire ecosystem are essential for a healthy climate. Through our project, these topics can be demonstratively presented and deepened, thereby achieving the urgently needed sensitization.

Educational offers (seminars / group events)

With our educational offers we want to build bridges between the two worlds (land biosphere and Oceane) and offer information events to a broad target audience. We offer seminars for school classes, small groups or at company events as well as for associations, which are suitable for the target group and correspond to the latest state of science in terms of pedagogy and content.

More in-depth topics

- The carbon cycle
- Climate change and its consequences for the
- Oceane, as the "blue" lung of the earth
- The nitrogen cycle at depth
- Photosynthesis in algae
- Symbiosis between corals and their
  symbionts (Zooxanthellae)


lectures are offered by invited specialists. Combined with other experiences (outdoor activities, apero, food), group events can be organized to create an unforgettable event. Here it goes to the modules which are under construction...


TRITON continues to lead the aquarium biochemistry industry and knowledge based husbandry using information derived from scientific work and the most modern technology. With the establishment of our laboratory and research department at the Great Barrier Reef in Cairns Australia, we are in a unique position!

Codepro GmbH

Codepro GmbH programs and designs 3D simulations, websites and online stores.
Individual customized programs are a specialty of Codepro GmbH.

Your name
Your foundation
Your name
Your firm
Your firm
Tropic Marin AG

Tropic Marin, for a more beautiful life under water

Fish Beutler

Fisch Beutler, your partner around the topic fish


Would you like to become

a patron?

Your foundation
Providing knowledge to be able to protect

Only those who know how the animals live, how their habitats function and how the ecological processes take place will understand why the most important nature reserves need to be protected. With our project we want to draw attention to this problem in inland Switzerland. Climate change, sea level rise, earth and ocean warming, coral bleaching and coral death concerns us ALL!


Demonstration and breeding facilities

To achieve an impressive and lasting sensitization, real habitats for demonstration purposes are required. In addition, local breeding of marine creatures can reduce the natural extraction of fish, corals and seahorses and the import of these animals and thus the pressure on the entire ecosystem. In this way, scientifically useful knowledge is also gained, which benefits the protection of nature and species.


Marine World of Experience

The professional demonstration and breeding facilities, which are constructed in accordance with all national and international laws (protection of species, Code of Ethics and Animal Welfare of the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums WAZA), are made accessible to the public in order to create an impressive and economically viable offer. In this way, training courses can be offered in a manner appropriate to the target group and a sustainable effect can be achieved.

Project costs

The total project costs for the facilities amount to at least 200'000 CHF.



The association would like to realize this project and is dependent on your financial support. The construction and maintenance is done by members of the association on a voluntary basis until the project is self-sustaining. Through patronage, private or legal persons can support the project by contributing to the association's account (IBAN: CH31 0686 6595 0931 7783 1). Our patrons are distinguished into the following categories;

  • „Platin“                (from  25'000 CHF)
  • „Gold“                  (from 10'000 CHF)
  • „Silver“                (from   5'000 CHF)
  • further supporters

​​​​and, in accordance with our marketing concept, presented in a highly visible manner on the social media platforms and in the Aqua Center. Of course, patrons can also remain anonymous. If the project is not realized by the end of 2021, the donations will be returned immediately.
our patrons


Contractors or suppliers who support us through services, installations or by providing material (products / accessories) are divided into the same categories and are also owed at the different locations.


The marine biology, the water chemistry and technology fascinates and inspires us as Coral lovers at the same time. Deepened knowledge but increased our discomfort in terms of our environment and especially with regard to our underwater ecology.


(only) the rainforests (land biosphere) and the atmosphere absorbs what the human being greenhouse gas released, but in particular the oceans with their algae and "corals" are for the absorption of CO2 and release of Oxygen O2 responsible! The role of our Oceane as the largest CO2 - storage is only really known to a few people.

And right there

is the starting point of our project "CORALLIUM LIFE". We give the broad population insights into the underwater world (SHOW) and create thus knowledge (KNOW), in order to finally ensure the protection of the Oceane from Switzerland and to promote our questioning behavior (ACT). We achieve this goal with the striking demonstration of functioning and non-functional ecosystems.

Coral breeding

Our plants are built with a demonstration tank (natural habitat), a technical tank (for filter media/ skimmers etc.) and a settling tank (young corals and fragments) in a water circuit. In cooperation with our partners, water analyses are carried out and the results are processed using the knowledge and experience gained from our facilities.

Sale of offspring

Through the sale of ....
